Covid Shots

 Covid Shot


Got my final covid  shot on 04/9/2021.  Glad that both of us are now vaccinated.   Most of the family has been vaccinated now.  There was not a long line for me.  I made an appointment just had to wait the 30 minutes before leaving.  Looked like some of the volunteers where National Guard members.

Doing ok.  Didn't have any side effects not even that much soreness in my arm.  Mom and Dad didn't have any problems with their shots either.   Some of the family was worried and is worried about getting the shots.   Seen the reports about Johnson & Johnson vaccine having some side effects and a vaccination site closing early because of it.   I got the Pfizer two shot vaccine.    

I wasn't all relieved because of the variant strains that are showing up.  We might need a booster.  Did take some of the stress out of being around my nieces and nephews that are little and not vaccinated yet.  Most of them have already had the covid and came through ok.  

Enjoyed Easter  dinner with the family.  Wasn't as concerned about the virus.  Had over 20 people here for a cookout.    Hamburgers, hotdogs, and bbq chicken.  Eddie operated the grill.  We even had vegi burgers.  Fruit salad, potato salad, potato casserole and basic side salad.   A lot of other stuff to.  Mom had a lot of help this year preparing so it wasn't as hard on her.   Don't think she slept much due the activities of visitors.    It made her happy.  
