Christmas And Snow

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Snow


Christmas Eve is when our family gets together at mom's house.  This year was a hard year for gathering together.   My sister was in the hospital with her son.  He was in the hospital about a weak.  Tested negative for Covid 19.  Thoughts was that he may had sepsis pneumonia but then maybe not.  The doctors couldn't get a vain to inject antibiotics then had to do a port.  He stabilized finally and was sent home on Christmas Day.   He is still under close supervision by doctors.   Then there is the whole Covid thing to that is considered when gathering.  We had about 10 people to visit.  Was missing about 25 people this year.   Some decided to stay home with their individual family's which was smart considering all that is going on these days.   Made a couple of trips out delivering Christmas gifts.  I went to my other sisters house brought hers and visited for a short time.  Drove by my Dads house but couldn't go inside.  My step mother has been under Chemo Therapy for guessing about 1 1/2 years now.  She had to take some time off from the chemo because she got sick from it.  But, is back taking it again.  She didn't look very well at all.  My Dad didn't either.  Left them a couple small gifts asked if they needed anything.   They haven't been able to go out to shop for the past year except to doctors and for chemo treatments for the most part except essential groceries.  Even going to the grocery store could bring back a virus of any kind that could be to much for them to handle.       Of course I'm worried about mom getting something to.  But, she does go out for the essentials.    I did most of my shopping online except for a couple in store visits.   Did the curb pickup and home deliveries.

Like I always do..... I bought myself some Christmas presents to.   I got two new sheet sets, three bed in a bag for 70% off plus some pillows.   Two I put up because I want to buy a condo or small house.   I got some shoes also because Belk had a great sale.  Bought a Cabelas hoodie jacket that was on sale and a sweater.  Mom, gave me 50 dollars and a sweater, and I got a small emergency crank radio from my niece.     

Bought mom almost the same things,  Cabelas hoodie jacket, sweater different color, some clinique moisturizer.  Ordered some socks but hasn't even arrived yet and it's past Christmas.  Not sure if I will even get that.   Bought two of my nephews hat and gloves,  Another nephew a pocket knife its like a swiss army knife.  My great nieces husband the same knife.  Great nephew one also.  Along with some other small items for other family members such as flash lights, clinique from belks, hats.  

On Christmas Day we actually got snow this year.  Been a long time since we had snow on Christmas Day.   It was nice but I would have enjoyed it more if I was younger and more into building snowmen.  I enjoyed looking out the window seeing the snow hanging in the tree's.   The drop in temperature was not good with a wind chill down near 0 degrees.    According to the weatherman it should be gone in a few days.  

 Found some interesting boot tracks in the snow.  I really can't see how a dog or animal made such big tracks leading off to my neighbor house and to the side of my mom's house.  Hmmmm.   Makes me wonder about it.  Here's a picture.

 Here is a picture of mom's dog max's paw prints at the edge of the porch.

This picture was taken out my window.  I was trying to take a picture of Saturn but this is the way it came out.   Looks like a cross.   Well it was called the Christmas Star on the news.  I know its light refraction on the window.  

Construction Set I bought for my Great Nephew Holden.  Some monster trucks his uncle bought him. 
