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 Deaths In The Family


These past few weeks have been hard on many of my family members.  My x-sister laws niece past away.  She was 10 years old (Jordan).  She was on skype talking to family and kept saying she was tired needed to go to sleep.  Then about 2 hours later she was found dead.   

While the family was making arrangements for Jordan my mother received a call telling her about a lady she worked with for many years and known for about 34yrs had past away.  She had fallen hurt her shoulder.  She had surgery then physical therapy and fell again.  Doctors thought she might need another surgery on her shoulder due to re-injury when she fell.  Then she went down hill from there.   Someone said she may had covid19.  I don't know if she did or didn't.  Her funeral is tomorrow.

There is another family member of my x-sister in law who is suffering from liver failure expected to die in the next 5 months.  

Family has been staying here, on and off to deal with funeral arrangements.  On top of that some had been exposed to covid19.   Thankfully, they didn't get sick.  Was worried that we might also get it if they had caught it.  Glad that turned out ok.



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